Free Indie Games Looking for free indie games? Look no further, you have come to the right place. Over the years we have curated a list of top indie games on the web. You can play all games on our list for free in your browser. No download or registration required.

Get the list You can get our list of indie games for free if you sign up for our free games newsletter. Please send an email with "sign up for newsletter" as subject to contact[at] We will send you our list as soon as possible. Because our newsletter service is not automated but rather manual work, it might take some time before you get a reply. All emails that we receive that are not about our list of games won't be answered.

Free games newsletter Subscribers of our free games newsletter will receive the latest news and information about the games published on our game websites. We will only send emails when there is something worthwile to inform you. Some of our emails might include ads from our sponsors. You can always unsubscribe from the newsletter. No questions asked.

About us Our old website used to contain fun games that you could play directly in your browser. We have taken that website offline. We are now providing this free newsletter service for fans of our old website and anyone who likes to play games online.

Free Games Websites Here is a list of our other game websites where you can play free games or read the latest news & reviews of the hottest games.